GET WOOD… you either get it or you don’t.

Jess “The Delightful Delinquent” Wood


Jess Wood got her start in stand up comedy at New York Comedy Club, where she won the prestigious Best African-American Comedy Contest four times in a row. Jess was the first white girl to perform on HBO’s Def Comedy Jam.

Watch for Jess’ upcoming Documentary that she directed/produced/wrote: ‘Not Your Mama’s Vag-j-j Monologues’ interviews with real women about how or where they got their sex education.

“Jess Wood, the only female in the entire show, left a lasting impression. Wood, fearless and full of energy, exclaimed that females should be honest about their sexuality and what they want from men, which may require a head push from time to time.”-NYC Living


The reason NBC censors me is because when the interviewer tells me he “knows Topanga well” I answer, “Yeah, you probably screwed my mom.” I didn’t think NBC would edited it out.

“Wood’s explicit routine doesn’t come across as vulgar or crass. Instead, it has the tone of a good friend breaking down taboo subjects like masturbation and abortion. And making you laugh your ass off in the process.”                            -New York Press

“Jess transforms herself from an unassuming, approachable, adorable young woman into the many varied characters who inspired, tripped and even trapped the process of her growing up, somehow making a journey that should be seen as terribly sad into a journey of joy, freedom, and opportunity. She manages to honor every character portrayed, unleashing their own absurdity and hilarity without diminishing or mocking them….Jess’one-woman show, Wood’s Hood’s is the epitome of theater at its best: absolutely embodying tragedy and comedy as two sides of the same coin…and more importantly emphasizing that the end results are all a matter of choice, perspective, and self awareness.”-New York Cool

Here’s a piece of my documentary about sex education!!

My Commercial Parody for women’s underwear

My Buddy parody written by Charlie Gaeta theme song by Jess

Come see me do Stand-up comedy live in NYC